Mrs. Malphy's Taste of Books

Monday, January 2, 2012

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 1/2/2012

This morning I was reading my Twitter feed and noticed quite a few tweets entitled, "It's Monday!  What are you reading?" so I decided to check those out.  I learned from reading the Teach Mentor Texts blog that this is a weekly posting where people sum up the books they read the previous week and talk about those they'd like to read this week.  Seeing as I'm new to blogging and always looking for topics, I figured, "This is definitely something I can do!"

I have been on Christmas Break since December 23rd, so I've been reading a lot lately and it has been so nice!  I hope to continue this even after school is back in session tomorrow and I start taking classes again at the end of January.  Reading time is so precious and it's time I can share with my two boys or by myself, depending on what I'm reading.

Books I read last week and really enjoyed:

and my favorite book of 2011...

Books I will be reading this week:

I am also participating in the #nerdcott challenge, so I will be reading a variety of Caledecott winners this week, but I'm not sure which ones yet.  I have to see which ones are in my school library before I order them through my local library system.

Now, off to do some reading!


  1. Glad to see you participating in this! One of my students was telling me how much she liked Smile this week. I should add it to my list.

  2. I think I might join this! Also, like Sarah's student, I loved SMILE!
