As a teacher-librarian, I love books! Picture books, YA novels, graphic novels...anything that will get a child reading. I am very fortunate to be married to a man who shares a love of books and wants to pass that on to our two sons, Brock and Jake.
We started something this Christmas with our boys that we're planning on making a tradition in our household and that's the tradition of getting at least two books at Christmas time. We had so much fun shopping for the boys at our local bookstore, Bramble Books, and we're hoping to frequent there more often! We'd like to include the boys in our next trip there. It will be fun to see what books they pick out to purchase.
Books foster a love of so many things. Our oldest son, Brock, is 5 now and discovered fishing this past summer. He was able to land a very nice sized small mouth bass while we were on vacation and he's been hooked on fishing and learning about fish ever since! We purchased the book Adventures With Jonny: Let's Go Fishing for him as a Christmas gift and he loves it! He's been studying the unique features of a variety of fish in order to better identify them when we get back out on the water.
Our youngest son, Jake, is 3 and a loon lover! When on vacation this past June, we were able to daily hear and see a beautiful family of loons on the lake in which we were staying. We had never seen them before and to watch them was truly fascinating. Jake even wanted to purchase a stuffed animal loon when at a local gift shop and that loon travels around with him everywhere! When I spotted the book entitled Loon while we were Christmas shopping, I just knew I had to get that for him. I have really enjoyed reading this book to Jake over our Christmas Break because I have learned a lot about loons in the process.
So, the next time you're puzzled as to what kind of a gift you should buy someone, consider a book or a gift card to a local bookstore. Maybe giving books is a tradition that you, too, want to start. We're so glad that we did!
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